Sunday, August 30, 2009

Leaves are starting to fall

I miss so many things that are attached to this one silly photograph.
To begin, I miss living in Portland.
I miss using my body and two wheels to get around town.
I miss getting out of the shower, or waking from a night's rest, splitting my hairs in two sections and tying them back, without worries or cares.
I miss feeling energized from by bike rides, my long and rare conversations and from being so busy and challenged.
I miss wearing layers of clothing.
I miss that simple necklace that snapped in two not long ago.
I miss feeling satisfied, even if I wasn't aware of it then.
I miss worrying less and living one step at a time.
I miss my eucalyptus plant.
I miss living in a house.

I am very hopeful for my near future.

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