Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ok, I am picking this back up again.

I have film at the store, so I will hopefully be posting something new--besides refrigerators--soon. I am so tired I could cry, even though last night was restful. Thesis is draining. For those who are not aware, I am photographing the contents of people's refrigerators for my thesis project. It began as an investigation of food products and the production of said products, which highly interests me, and has turned into a social practice of sorts. It is fun, but exhausting. School is just that, though. Once the images are in, I am binding them into books that will become pieces of mail art, and also exists on the web (info available upon completion).

More to come, and more images!

1 comment:

Pura Caitlin said...

I am super stoked on that idea. Can´t wait to see it...